Eco label
Designed for recycling (plastic)(13)
Completely transparent(12)
Non transparent(1)
Number of positions
(13)Tube Clamshells
A handy range of re-usable clamshells for keeping tubes apart during transport. Simply insert the tubes into the blisters and app;y a sheet of absorbent across the top and snap closed.
You can now enter into a flexible secondary leak proof packaging pouch such as our Safetybag and ship to the recipient in a clearly labeled outer box or envelope.
UN3373 Standard – Key Requirements
The P650 packaging instructions for liquid substances state:-
a. The primary receptacle(s) shall be leak proof and must not contain more than 1L liquid, or sift proof and not contain more than 1kg solid;
b. The secondary packaging shall be leak proof for liquids or sift proof for solids;
c. If multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they shall be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them;
d. If liquid, absorbent material shall be placed between the primary receptacles(s) and the secondary packaging. The absorbent material shall be in quantity sufficient to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) so that any release of the liquid substance will not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging;
e. The primary receptacle or the secondary packaging shall be capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure of 95 kPa (0.95 bar) at -40C and +55C;
f. The outer packaging must be rigid and must not contain more than 4L liquid or 4kg solid.
g. One surface of the outer packaging must measure at least 100mm x 100mm
h. if there is any doubt as to whether or not residual liquid may be present in the primary receptacle during transport, then a packaging suitable for liquids, including absorbent materials, must be used.
An itemised list of contents must be enclosed between the secondary packaging and the outer packaging
The packaging must be of good quality and strong enough to withstand the shocks and loadings normally encountered during transport. It must prevent any loss of contents that could occur due to vibration or changes in temperature, humidity or pressure.
The completed package must be capable of successfully passing a 1.2 m drop test.
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